Pay Independent Contractors with ease…
Independent Contractor Solutions don’t have to be complicated…
By partnering with us, you can save yourself from any compliance issues or worries. With our solution allowing you to pay and engage independent contractors stress free.
Minimize the Risk..
Yep. You read that right. Get the most out of the US Recruitment Market and take the independent contractor leap, without the daunting risks of doing it alone.
You could place a worker in every state…
YES. Every State. Breaking into the US Recruitment Market with independent contractors means you could potentially have a contractor in New York.. as well as Miami. Without an entity or without the stress of training yourself to be an expert of all 50 states. All thanks to our Independent Contractor Solution.
Risks When You Engage and Pay Independent Contractors in the US
It is a lot less common to engage independent contractors in the US due to the significant misclassification risks vs W-2 engagements. Make sure you read about your responsibilities when engaging independent contractors in the US and risks you face first, to make an informed decision.
Minimize Risks of Engaging Independent Contractors With Our Solution
A Contractor Assessment Tool to Limit Your Risk ⚙️
As part of our independent contractor solution, you will get unlimited use of a top assessment tool to help you make the right decisions to remain compliant when recruiting in the US.
Complete robust classification assessments
You may be able to compliantly engage independent contractors, as long as you ensure you have completed a robust classification and can demonstrate compliance with federal and state laws.
PGC allows you to minimize your risk with unlimited access to a third-party robust assessment tool to carry out your worker classifications and a compliant solution to process C2C payments.
Our solution includes:
Unlimited Worker Classification Reviews
Invoice collection from C2Cs
Assessment Tool Compliant to State,
Federal & IRS guidance
C2C end of year tax forms
Your decision on C2C engagement
Process C2C payments
How Does the Classification Tool Work?
Client & contractor input the assignment details
Tool generates classification report on a federal and state sliding scale
Use results to decide whether to engage worker as an IC or a W2 employee.
Have a Requirement to Engage Independent Contractors?
Book a quick call with our US Expansion Experts to get the worker classification process started to ensure you can compliantly pay independent contractors in the US via our solution.